Friday, May 25, 2007

Westward bound

We saw a place yesterday and fell in love with first sight. It meets all the requirements in our criteria reference.

1. A view to kill
2. High floor
3. Breezy & Bright
4. Must have the element of water and the colour blue (only for TS)

TS met a master and he told him that he lacks water. So he must always choose blue or have the element of water at home. I thought it was funny but anyway, he is dead serious about it. Everything was apt. Even the name of the development - Blue Horizon. It faces the sea and west coast park is right at your doorstep, with a 24 hour Mcdonalds (Ryan will be its regular patron). I always like the West - tranquil, mysterious and away from the hordes of people in the east coast. Anyway, it is back to my hometown, I grew up here for 20 years of my life.

This place is surrounded by water 180 degrees. We bought it on the spot. But have to keep our fingers crossed till the owners signed the papers.


rene said...

that's great news! I love the west too..:) thes east side gives me headaches hahaha...

tooski said...


Momo said...

Hope the house will be ready when you come back, Rene.

I can breathe better now that I have found a place.