Thursday, November 29, 2007

The fact of Life

By now, most of you, Singaporeans would have heard and digested the news about the deaths of 5 young, potential and talented men in the dragon boating incident in Cambodia. The news has been splashed over the front pages for the past few days

It is very unfortunate that these lives are cut short just like that. My prof was quite affected, and having a son in competitive canoeing doesn't help. But 'death' has always been an elusive term to me. If I can avoid talking about death, I would. All this because I have seen death and have come to terms with death being a part of life. Strangely, I always bear the thought that I would not live for long, considering the genetic endowments of my family.

So, a part of me, wants to tell her that we all die one day, if not from illness, it is our jobs. There is a risk in every job in life. Funnily, I used to joke with my friends that even teaching is not safe. Look at all those old fans that spin all day in the classrooms (those days lah, not now with the 'classrooms of the future') and switched on to maximum 'turbo' speed because the students are always complaining they are hot, they can simply give way and land on you one day. And, it really did happened, to one of our uni mates, last heard he was seriously injured...

I am being cynical. You think teaching is safe, or any job for that matter? Think twice again. When it is our time to go, it is time to go. Death comes in all forms and ways.


rene said...

it is soooo sad when i heard the news i couldn't sleep that night and went through all the articles on the's a sport edwin and i used to take part in competitively so it was even more sad for us..fell into the water too, got hit by paddles but never thought such tragedy can happen to this sport and to such able strong men..very very sad.

Momo said...

I think when we are parents, we can relate to this type of loss more...