Ryan finally bought his birthday present (after such a looooooong wait) with the hongbao that was given by his Aunt Serene. With that budget, he bought a Lego Bionicle and happily fixed it immediately he reached home.
The hongbao was stashed away safely for sometime. We didn't want him to be obsessed over toys and we have been really quite careful about that. You know how crazy they can get over some toys, especially in Singapore where these things are so easily accessible. One moment, it was power rangers, next moment, the kids throw aside their power rangers for pokemon, and then bakugan and whatever guns and mons there are. It was just crazy. We taught him the value of money and how we can benefit others more. I think it is really important to instill these values as they grow up. It hasn't been easy. We have got through those days of screaming and unreasonable tantrums. You know, the usual, "Why my friend can have everything and I can't?", "I want it now, now, now?!", and "You are very unfair to me". But these days, we are starting to see changes in Ryan. He has grown up.
He has waited. And discussed the budget and discussed with us what he should get. He doesn't expect things to just fall from the sky anymore and has learnt that toys are not the priority now in his life, there are others. And when I see how some Singaporean children behaved these days, I am glad that I have endured and chose to spend more time with him than work.
Ryan is really an awesome kid. I wish I could have watch him grow up, they grow up so quickly!
He was so sweet to have kept your hongbao intacted in his drawer. I was sort of testing if he would spend it away secretly...
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