Thursday, January 08, 2009

Please slap me if I drink again, thanks.

Okay, I am really stubborn, I admit it. I know I have an alcohol allergy since I was 18 years old (my first drink) and more than 10 years on, I still wish to defy that. This is what happens to me just 1 hour after my Lychee Liquour yesterday at Timbre. It was much worse, my whole hand was stiff and as if all my vessels are frozen. TS wanted me to go emergency. I got a tick off from him. It was like an elephant's limb yesterday, even had problems changing gears on my way back home. It subsided this morning though. And I noticed the symptoms seemed to have changed. It used to be rash all over and my fingernails would turn purple. But now, the symptoms are all confined to my left hand only. Okay, this is the last time, please slap me if I drink again. I will thank you.


Dot said...

Oh dear!!! Is there any drink at all that you can take? Or only hard liquor? What about beer? Or is that a silly question? I don't know much about alcohol allergy!!!

Momo said...

I think I better stay off all...sad to say, I have tried all to no avail :(

rene said...

Don't ever try again!! I stop after having Lucas and never gained back any thirst for them anyway. Seriously, don't try again!!

Unknown said...

Hey Paulina Porizkova,
How's the paw now?! Dun worry I will slap you if you have a tipple the next time, hehe:-)I was a bit worried you'd scratch yourself raw on Friday, hope u r better now lah.
As for the PhD -- of course you're doing the rt thing, don't worry. Investing in education gives the best returns because the rewards keep coming long after the tuition fees have been paid, have faith in yourself, you'll be an outstanding educator -- journeys in education take shape far beyond the classroom, really.
I've learnt so much from you and our colleagues in the past month -- your juggling act, the prof's Energizer-bunny's enough to make me blush as I find myself too. It's really because of our 'island state" mentality that everything has gotta fall neatly into boxes but life really isn't neat so you're perfectly on track in taking this time to find yourself. Have faith, you'll rise above the cloud we're sitting on now and catch some stars in the near future:-) -- Please pray hard that I'll do the same too, I have so much to learn from you!


Momo said...

Haha! As you say, my hidden identity is a Russian spy, not an RA in NIE. Don't you think we are all Energizer-bunnies here in Singapore? We have to keep pace and work non-stop to prove our worth!

Jia You!

Anonymous said...

hey,is that get better now?or it is a permanent?im having this kind too,what should i do?

Anonymous said...

i have exactly the same problem, and i havent touched a drink in 3 years now,, except just one beer very rarely